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Dragon Friends (Immortaland Dragons Book 2)

Isaut joined the Teeth of the Dragon ten years ago. Now she must decide if she wants to stay with the elite warriors or go back to the Fighting Nuns who trained her.

A witch hunt against half-bloods like herself slowly spreads across the land, which could lead to the end of an era.

An exciting story of a warrior woman with two curved swords who rides a golden dragon.


Universal Book Link eBook and paperback


Dragon Riders (Immortaland Dragons Book 1)

With his castle under siege, Rohan discovers the truth of his mother’s past – not just a loving lady, but the former member of an elite band of warriors he had never heard of. In this moment of need, Rohan must leave the safety of the castle walls to look for help on a most uncommon mount – a silver dragon.

The big bad world full of magic and wonders awaits. Can Rohan become a dragon rider and join the elite warriors like his mother before him?

A gripping story of the discovery of one’s true blood and the magic running through it.



Universal Book Links eBook and paperback



In 2012 came the encounter with the Star Nations.

Just imagine! We took down our borders and joined the galactic civilization, who taught us space travel, making our science fiction movies reality!

Five wondrous stories of exploration of the Star Nations.

Five stories introducing Earth in this alternate future as it makes its way from low-tech planet to on par with the rest of the Star Nations.


The Last Mission (2022)

Stop the Cargo Bots (2025)

Space Creatures (2028)

The Perfects City (2035-2036)

Water World (2048)

Cryosleeping Beauty (2058)


Universal Book Links eBook and paperback


Gli Arcieri

L’ereditiera Radmila è costretta a trasferirsi dal cugino, Dannan, che vorrebbe sposarla per prenderle le terre. Ma sulla via del castello di Lovenback degli arceri attaccano il convoglio e lei incontra Marik e Balinor.

Ribelli fuorilegge nascosti nel bosco, una spina nel fianco di Dannan, una speranza per Radmila che non vuole passare la vita col cugino.

Stregoni e donne guerriero in questo racconto fantasy medievale.


eBook link Amazon e Kobo Feltrinelli e Mondadori
