The series is called Silvery Earth because the world is the common thread. This is sociological fantasy where characters live and die, and history unfolds through the centuries.
Smashwords series page and Amazon series page
All Silvery Earth maps are done by Federico Distefano
Unlike other fantasy worlds that never change through the millennia, the Humans of Silvery Earth grow and change under the incredulous eyes of the Magical Races (Genn, Sila, Waiora and Fajrulo). Not even the Immortals could foresee the evolution of those pesky, short-lived barbarians.
This unconventional fantasy is character-oriented, inspired by our planet’s cultures but not exactly our planet. Most protagonists are outsiders, trying (or not) to fit in their world/culture/hometown, who often end up wandering through the world looking for a place to call home.
Explore this secondary world through novels, novellas and short stories collections. And a graphic novel. And a strip.
There are different civilizations to explore: the Amazons, the India-and-Persia-inspired southern kingdoms, the typical medieval Europe northern kingdoms, and the still mostly unexplored Islands Empire (East Asia inspired) and Black Empire of Nera (Africa inspired).
Some books are definitely adults only for various reasons, and are clearly labeled. The rest is to be considered for all, with some m/m collections that are clearly labeled as such.
Here follows a chronology of the stories. The collections might cover many years, the novels only a few. The number(s) is the year(s) of Silvery Earth (counting from the arrival of the Immortals on the Magical Races’ calendar) in which the story take place.
Silvery Earth chronology:
A Taste of Silvery Earth (1200s-2000s)
Fairy Tales Revisited on Silvery Earth (1220-1350)
Tales of the Northern Kingdoms (1300s)
Warriors of the North (1300s)
Silvery Earth Kids (1340) the strip
Magical Friends (1352)
Tales of the Southern Kingdoms (1400s)
Books of the Immortals – Air 1535-1536
Fall of the Southern Kingdoms (1536-1639)
Honorable Assassins (1640)
Kilig the Sword (1660-1685)
Books of the Immortals – Fire 1685 (1785)
Chronicles of the Varian Empire Volume 1 ( The Spell (1635) 1735-1746 and Allan de Sayek )
Books of the Immortals – Water 1759-1761
Books of the Immortals – Ether 1795-1805
Daughters of Maadre (formerly “Amazon Sisters” 1800s)
Chronicles of the Varian Empire – Volume 2 (The Left-handed Warrior 1850-1862 and Records of the Varian Empire 1865 -1915)
Chronicles of the Varian Empire – Volume 3 (The Enlightened Emperor 1915-1917 and The Warrior Woman 1925)
Axelle, Wanderer (1983-1994) includes S.K.Y.B.A.N.D. (graphic novel – available in PDF form Omnibus 1 (chapters 1 to 5) Omnibus 2 (chapters 6 to 10) and Omnibus 3 (chapters 11 to 15) 1993-1994
Books of the Immortals – Earth (500 years after Air) 2085-2086
Angelica, Scholar (2115-2135)
More collections:
Tales of the Queendom of Maadre (1450-1959)
Quests Volume 1 (1405-1420)
Quests Volume 2 (1460-1500)
Chronicles of the Varian Empire