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Italian Women

Five decades, five women. From the 1980s to the 2020s, the original stories of this collection, loosely based on the author’s experience, show how things changed in the past half century, from phone boots with tokens to smartphones and everything in between. Grow with these women and the country in five snippets of everyday life.

The stories:
“Winter Holidays” (1980s)
“First True Love” (1990s)
“Struggling Artist” (2000s)
“Darling Daughter” (2010s)
“Early Retirement” (2020s)


Universal Book Link (eBook and paperback)

Children of Darkness

Bloodsuckers exist in all times and cultures, whether as spirits, ghosts or physical beings, and of course the vampire is one of the best known creatures spawned from gothic literature of the 19th century.

In this collection of original stories, you will witness the re-birth of a number of European vampires, either through the eyes of their maker, Bran the Raven, or their own, as well as an Indian vampire and an African vampire. All these stories belong to the series Vampires Through the Centuries, historical fantasy with fangs.

The stories:

The Maker (331BCE-1997CE)

Tiger of Bharat (327BCE)

Warrior of the Riglach (108CE)

Valkyrie’s Dream (890CE)

The Nubian Queen (950CE)

The Curse of the Manushya-rakshasi (967CE)

Immortality Request (1280CE)


Universal Book Link for eBook and paperback


Sunset of Shadows (Ghost Bus Riders Book 3)

You know when you check your public transport app and it says the bus arrives in 1 minute, no, NOW! but none appears? You just missed the ghost bus to Elsewhere, where creatures of myth and legend are real and the Elementals rule. Only half-bloods can see the ghost bus and use it to keep the world safe from dangerous creatures trying to trespass in our technological present.

Meet Jayshree “Jay” Sood and Floriana “Flo” Fedele, two Millennials and ghost bus riders with slightly different powers but the same determination to put an end to the half-Shadows threat. Watch them learn from their elders and join forces in the struggle against the half-Shadows. The dramatic end of this intriguing trilogy, an urban fantasy novel set between Italy and India.



Universal Book Links eBook and paperback


Days of Shadows (Ghost Bus Riders Book 2)

You know when you check your public transport app and it says the bus arrives in 1 minute, no, NOW! but none appears? You just missed the ghost bus to Elsewhere, where creatures of myth and legend are real and the Elementals rule. Only half-bloods can see the ghost bus and use it to keep the world safe from dangerous creatures trying to trespass in our technological present.

Meet Jennifer “Jen” Smith and Dalilah Habib-Gallo, two ghost bus riders from two sides of the world involved in the struggle against the half-Shadows. An American Generation X and an Italian-Egyptian Millennial dealing with evil and possibly finding love. A breathtaking ride through NYC and Rome, an urban fantasy novel.

Bonus story: Fighting Shadows – Canadian ghost bus riders adventures in this worldwide hidden war.



Universal Book Links eBook and paperback


Dawn of Shadows (Ghost Bus Riders Book 1)

You know when you check your public transport app and it says the bus arrives in 1 minute, no, NOW! but none appears? You just missed the ghost bus to Elsewhere, where creatures of myth and legend are real and the Elementals rule. Only half-bloods can see the ghost bus and use it to keep the world safe from dangerous creatures trying to trespass in our technological present.

Meet Elena Pace and Krishna Nayar, two Gen X ghost bus riders, with slightly different powers but the same determination in keeping the world free of dangerous magical beings. Watch them fight monsters and demons while trying to uncover the Shadow Elementals conspiracy to take over both worlds. An Exciting urban fantasy novel set between Italy and India.



Universal Book Links eBook and paperback


Lost in History

A collection of original stories with reenactors or tourists lost in time, through portals or timeslips, from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century, in Europe, India or the United States.

Five breathtaking stories of traveling through history, with or without preparation.

Five thrilling journeys through time.


A Real Tournament (12th century France)

Living History (12th century England)

The Pink City (19th century India)

Stranger Than a Movie (19th century U.S.A.)

Jazz Times (20th century U.S.A.)


Universal Book Links eBook and paperback
